Saturday, August 05, 2006

Karaoke Fun!

All the students went to a bar last night for the first weekly social meet. I'm still not quite sure where it was, I just got on a tram with some of the others and I don't really remember how I got back either. I think we walked. I met many more Erasmus exchange students at the bar, and quite a few today (which I'll mention later), so that brings the total number of people I now know to maybe 40.

The English Crew

So apparently that image is of a heavily-sunburnt me singing Uptown Girl with the 3 other English people on the course (stunned faces of the other students not shown). What better way to break the ice than pick one of the most embrassing songs possible? I tried to get the Germans to sing a David Hasslehoff song and they were up for it but there weren't any available.

The evening climaxed at sometime in the early morning with a whole bunch of us singing Bohemian Rhapsody. Many photos were taken but I hope for the good of mankind that no audio or video record exists.

Bohemian Rhapsody (That's me hiding at the back)

Later today we went on an adventure around Helsinki as part of our course. We were given a list of questions that we had to answer, such as when a particular church was built (which we couldn't actually find out even after visiting) and the prices of particular items at the harbour market. We were purposely put into groups of students from the other classes so that we'd meet more people. I think I now know almost everyone. This course really is great, there are so many trips and events organised. Tommorow we're going to a Finnish restaurant to sample the local food (and beer).


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