Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Birthday in Helsinki

Ok this is a bit of a self-indulgent post, but last Thursday I had my first birthday party overseas, here in my flat in Leppävaara and it was lots of fun!

Stephane at the beers again

I'm not sure how many people came exactly, but there were at least 25-30 squeezed into my tiny flat. The Austrians brought an entire crate of Austrian beer which was nice of them - it was good to taste some real beer for a change, instead of this Finnish stuff!

I was forced to wear this

My friend Rob, who came with me on exchange from London, gave me a voucher for a free car wash as birthday present, which was thoughtful of him. Except I don't have a car ;)

Some of the shoes left by the door

After it got quite late some of us headed to Onnela (a club in Helsinki). I stayed there until it closed at 4am, slept on somebody's sofa in Kannelmäki, then had to head back to Leppävaara to prepare for the weekend. I'll write about the events of that weekend soon, so stay tuned.

Oh, and click here to see a video of the party, if you dare!


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