Saturday, August 12, 2006

Craaaazy Finland

This blog isn't going very well. I haven't had a spare 5 minutes to update it since last week. Everything is so hectic, as soon as I finally get back to my flat, something else always comes up and I end up out all night. On Wednesday we had a sauna party, which was amazing, then on Thursday we had the student bar night and on Friday we had a beach party which lasted all night. I'll go into more detail on these later, especially the sauna which was very interesting. I've only just got home from the amusement park and as I was out all night at the beach I have been away from my laptop for 2 days. This would not happen in England!

Tonight I'm heading to Kannelmaki for a party on the roof of the student flats. The Italians are cooking for us, which should be interesting. I will properly update my blog when I can but for now make sure you look at my Finland Photos gallery (the link is on the side) where I've put up some more pics.

Moi Moi!


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